Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Committed...to writing.

I find that I am remarkably focused after a good blog post. Of course, I don’t blog very often, so that may have something to do with it. I just think that if someone is going to take the time to read what I write, it shouldn’t be pointless minutiae. “I’m excited that xxxxxx the Movie is coming out!” or “I saw a funny dog in the parking lot of the grocery store” is all well and good. In fact, I often get a lot of enjoyment from reading such blog posts. I just have a desire to deliver something a little....more, for lack of a better term.

So, as it happens, my blogging tends to come when there’s something I really need to say, or feel that people should hear. Things that are important to me. Thus, I approach my writing encumbered from the start, so that every experience is glorious catharsis, resulting in a clearer mind afterwards. Thus: focused. I really need to get over that. Which isn’t to say that I’m going to burden the internet with my daily happenings. I find thoughts so much more interesting to write than happenings.

One thing that has held me back many times is having the feeling that I should write on a particular subject, only to find that a million people have already written on the subject so eloquently. Not universal themes, mind you, but current events, politics, things like that. Because, let’s face it, there are a lot of really talented bloggers on this series of tubes we call the internet. Well, screw ‘em.

You hear me, random anonymous bloggers? You’ve got one more competitor, in a sea of a billion.

I don’t know what I want to do here though. I have several varied interests... Apple stuff, Atheism, Politics... and, while I will have different things to say on different subjects on different days, I really want my writing to be read. And the best way to do that is to have a focused blog, something that sticks to a single general topic. Looking over what I’m passionate about, that isn’t covered-to-death everywhere else, I’ve decided that I really need to write about atheism. All the other random stuff I’ll still be posting here, but I’ve started a new blog at resurrectingreason.blogspot.com for my DAILY atheist writings. Yes, daily. For those of you reading this who have seen me make similar claims before: shut up.

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